Your GPA probably isn't a deciding factor in winning an interview or getting hired, but you'll sometimes need to include it

You already know how important a well-crafted resume is in your search for a new job. There are many things to consider – what skills you have, your career achievements, and how your background aligns with the requirements of the position you want. Another question that people often ask is, “Should I put my GPA on my resume?” In fact, there are a host of questions that people ask surrounding including GPA on their resume:

  • Do employers check GPA?

  • Should I put 2.7 GPA on my resume?

  • What GPA is too low for a resume?

  • Can I get a job with a 2.0 GPA?

  • Does a 3.99 GPA round up?

In the grand scheme of getting a job, your GPA isn't likely to be THE thing that secures an interview or job offer; however, there are some instances when you should include your GPA on your resume. This article is going to dive into some different scenarios and give you some examples, so that you get your GPA on your resume the right way without raising any red flags. 

Ready? Let's do this!

Your GPA is one ingredient

If you've ever baked a cake, you know that you need flour, eggs, butter, and sugar. No one ingredient is more important than the other because everything has to work together to give you a nice sponge that is worthy of that glass of milk you've been eyeballing. 

The same is true for your GPA. Sure, telling an employer that you maintained a 4.0 GPA is great, but they're also interested in how your qualifications can be used within their team and company to boost productivity, efficiency, and profits. Just saying you had a 4.0 doesn't let them know any of that, because you could've been staying at Mom and Dad's house with no other concerns in life than doing schoolwork. 

Basically, your GPA alone doesn't tell the whole story.

You must pair that GPA with experiences and accomplishments, too, even if those accomplishments are academic.

Academic achievements + GPA for recent graduates 

Everyone everywhere started as a new graduate. When you apply for an entry-level position, you may have a limited amount of experience to draw from. 

How do you prove to future employers that you have what it takes to succeed in the role they have open?

Many job seekers who are fresh out of school will turn to their GPA. Of course, including your GPA on your resume can certainly help your application to stand out from the crowd, but you should also showcase achievements you had during your time in college. 

Some examples of academic achievements include:

  • Being on a fundraising committee for your fraternity

  • Helping students in the placement office at school

  • Working on marketing campaigns for recruiting new students

  • Completing a capstone project

  • Acting as a Resident Assistant in the dorm

  • Accepting and completing an internship

From here, your GPA becomes an ingredient in the recipe of your job search. It, along with your  other achievements, can work together to tell a story – “Look, I know how to get things done!"

That seems like a lot to include in the Education section of your resume, but it's really not. In the end, when you're leveraging things you accomplished in school and your GPA, your Education section starts to look more like a Work History listing on your resume.

Here's an example of academic achievements and GPA on your resume:


Bachelor of Arts in Communications | ABC College | 2024

  • GPA: 3.9/4.0

  • Relevant coursework: Public Speaking, Intercultural Communication, Public Relations, Mass Media, Communication, and Public Decision Making

Major Capstone Project: 

  • Communication Campaign for XYZ Nonprofit

  • Applied comprehensive research to identify the target audience

  • Analyzed current communication strategies

  • Crafted new messages and a multi-channel communication plan that improved engagement

  • Performed A/B testing on audience perception

Affiliations and Activities:

  • Semester Abroad - Immersed in French language and culture, expanding on international communication perspectives
  • Tutor - Supported over 5 communications students in passing the final Mass Media exam
  • President, Marketing Club - Directed marketing strategy discussions, organized workshops, and built relationships with industry partners.

Now, having your GPA on your resume is more impressive because prospective employers can see everything else you were doing in school while still maintaining a high GPA. 

Experienced professionals + GPA on resume

Once you get some professional experience under your belt, your GPA becomes less important because your experience trumps what you did in school. Some jobs will require you to include your GPA on your resume, even after you have some professional experience, but those are usually academic positions or roles that require specialized education. 

For the most part, if you're approaching five years of experience, you share your GPA only if they ask.

At this point in your career, your accomplishments and professional skills should do most of the talking on your resume. Your education section should be at the bottom and take up very minimal space. 

Here's an example of a resume Education section for an experienced professional:


Bachelor of Arts in Communications | ABC College | 2022

With that said, if you've completed any certifications or professional development courses, then you can add them. This is an example of what that would look like:


Academic Qualifications

Bachelor of Arts in Communications | ABC College | 2022


Certification #1 | Certification #2 | Certification #3

Professional Development:

Professional Development Class #1 | Professional Development Class #2 | Professional Development Class #3 

Frequently asked questions about including GPA on your resume

1. Should you always include your GPA on your resume?

Not necessarily – you should only include your GPA on your resume if you're a recent graduate and it's higher than 3.5/4.0. If you have some experience under your belt, exclude it unless the job posting specifically requests it.

2. Do employers really check GPA or is it just a formality?

Most employers don't check GPAs unless the job requires that you have a specific result. Entry-level positions and roles requiring specialized knowledge may check your GPA, but those are generally the only times it'll be checked.

Pro tip: Not only do you have to worry about whether the employer is checking your GPA, but you also have to be concerned with how the applicant tracking system parses it. Those AI programs view your GPA in isolation, making it even more important to pair it with academic achievements so that both the AI program and the human hiring manager get a complete picture of your qualifications.

3. Can you round up your GPA when adding it to your resume?

Being transparent and honest on your resume is always going to serve you better than rounding up a few decimal places. Employers are less concerned about your adult report card than they are about being certain that they can trust you. Never lie about your GPA on your resume. 

4. Should I include my high school GPA on my resume if I didn't go to college?

You should never include high school on your resume at all unless you're still in high school and applying for a part-time role. If you've begun college, there's definitely no need to include high school, as it's obvious that you did well or you wouldn't be in college. Plus, keep in mind that adding high school doesn't say, “I finished high school.” Rather, it says, “I didn't go to college.”

5. What should you do if your GPA is low, but you have relevant experience?

Your experience, qualifications, and career achievements will always trump what you did in school. Because of this, once you have experience, you can – and should – exclude your GPA from your resume. 

Employers want the full package

At the end of the day, the question isn't really, “Should I include my GPA on my resume?” Instead, you should be more focused on crafting a compelling resume that is tailored to a specific job description and shows that you're the best candidate for an open position. 

Employers are more concerned about what you can do and how your skills and experiences are in line with the position they have open. It doesn't matter if you're a new graduate or an experienced professional, accomplishments win the day every time.

TopResume specializes in crafting resumes that go above and beyond to demonstrate that your skills, qualifications, and achievements match the job you want. Your career journey is unique and, whether you include your GPA on your resume or not, it needs to tell your story in a way that will impress hiring managers. Why not submit your resume for a free resume review to ensure it hits the mark?

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