The future of employment is changing with the collection of biometric data
Technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are the waves of the future and are now making their way into transforming your job search. For example, X will start collecting biometric and employment data from Premium users, to recommend jobs based on information they provide.
As a job seeker, it's critical that you understand the significance of this evolution, so that you can be empowered in a world that provides more personalized experiences. There are some ethical ramifications to consider and you have to know how to protect your privacy.
What is biometric data for employment?
You are unique. Your biometric data represents distinct physical and behavioral characteristics that identify you. According to X's new privacy policy, things like employment history, education, preferences, skills, and abilities will be collected so that the platform can recommend potential jobs for you. You'll also be able to upload selfies for photo identification.
On top of that, things like fingerprint scans, facial recognition, iris scans, voice scans, and hand geometry could come into play for identification purposes. While that opens the doors to a lot of concerns, biometric data for employment is on the rise. A lot of employers think that the use of biometric data will improve everything from security to productivity.
Some red flags about biometric data for employment
Anytime large data sets are collected about you, your first concern should be whether what's being collected is used ethically and if your privacy is at risk. Many experts are concerned about the potential misuse of biometric data for employment.
Here are some things to be on the lookout for:
Is your information vulnerable to unauthorized use?
Are data breaches something to worry about?
What safeguards are in place to protect you?
Is discrimination or biased employment practice an issue you have to worry about?
How are the algorithms interpreting the data you provide?
Your job in using the recruiting services offered by platforms like X will be to read any privacy policies with your critical thinking cap on. Check for transparent communication about data usage and whether domestic and international data protection standards are being adhered to to safeguard your rights. Investigate the encryption protocols and access controls, too.
With the bad, comes the good
In case you didn't know, X has acquired a tech recruiting service. This acquisition is what's allowing X to get into the recruiting space and why they started collecting biometric data.
Ultimately, the main idea behind X collecting biometric data for employment is three-fold:
You will get personalized recommendations for jobs based on your data
It will allow employers to find you easily
It will provide you with more relevant posts that show up in your feed
When your skills are aligned with the requirements of a job, you stand a better chance of landing that job. With the collection of biometric data, you know up front whether you're a good candidate – and, coincidentally, so do the recruiters.
Biometric data for employment could become a sort of one-stop-shop for career seekers, because of how streamlined your data will become as it relates to open positions.
Standing at the intersection of innovation and privacy
As a job seeker, it probably sounds like a dream come true to get more personalized job recommendations. After all, the job search process can be quite tedious. When providing biometric data to X - or any other company, for that matter - be sure to read the fine print and ensure that your information is protected and used properly. Then, enjoy the career opportunities that open up for you.
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